GO vs C | Java | Rust | Python
Lane Wagner on Revisiting the Go Language
Lane Wagner of Boot.dev speaks with host Philip Winston about Go, the programming language that's popular for web, cloud, devops, networking, and other types of development. In addition to discussing existing features such as structs, interfaces, concurrency, and error handling, Lane and Philip take a deep look at generics, a recent addition to the language. They also explore the developer experience with Go.
Lane Wagner of Boot.dev speaks with host Philip Winston about Go, the programming language that's popular for web, cloud, devops, networking, and other types of development. In addition to discussing existing features such as structs, interfaces, concurrency, and error handling, Lane and Philip take a deep look at generics, a recent addition to the language. They also explore the developer experience with Go.
GO in Data
In this episode we answer any/all questions from a new Go developer. Features, best practices, quirks of the language… it’s all on the table for discussion.
*** 十年數🌲木。百年數🌲人。
- #DRE | #1。to-the-basic。原理。
- #DRE | #2。at-a-glance。縱覽。
- #DRE | #3。Ops ...Oops。搶佔先機。
- #DRE | #4。GO。八面玲瓏。
- #DRE | #5。DiDaDi。加速。
- #DRE | #6。Z + Editor ➡️ ZED。1+1大於2。
- #DRE | #7。OSS。開源。