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#DRE | #3。Ops ...Oops。搶佔先機。

*** BuzzWords 。嗡嗡嗡。 *** 數據領域。Data。 範圍。AIOps。 MLOps。DataOps。 1. AIOps。與如何高效地處理擷取儲存文字相關。(NLP With High-Performance) 有 LLM。Semantic Cache。VectorDB。 2. 商務與使用體驗有三大指標。Hit Ratio。Latency。Recall。 Hit Ratio。This metric quantifies the cache's ability to fulfill content requests successfully, compared to the total number of requests it receives. A higher hit ratio indicates a more effective cache. Latency。This metric measures the time it takes for a query to be processed and the corresponding data to be retrieved from the cache. Lower latency signifies a more efficient and responsive caching system. Recall。This metric represents the proportion of queries served by the cache out of the total number of queries that should have been served by the cache. Higher recall percentages indicate that the cache is effectively serving the appropriate content. 3. Cache 有三種方法。SampleCodes 見下。 In-Memory Cache often causes cost increases.  DB Cache usually data formats mismatch will cause the cache miss.  Seman