1. 自我要求
When you’re talking about fighting, as it is, with no rules, well then, baby you’d better train every part of your body! - Bruce Lee
2. 真實自我
Honestly expressing yourself...it is very difficult to do. I mean it is easy for me to put on a show and be cocky and be flooded with a cocky feeling and then feel like pretty cool...or I can make all kind of phony things, you see what I mean, blinded by it or I can show you some really fancy movement. But to express oneself honestly, not lying to oneself...now that, my friend, is very hard to do. - Bruce Lee
3. 順勢而為
The ideal is unnatural naturalness, or natural unnaturalness.
The ideal is unnatural naturalness, or natural unnaturalness.
I mean it is a combination of both. I mean here is natural instinct and here is control. You are to combine the two in harmony. Not if you have one to the extreme, you'll be very unscientific. If you have another to the extreme, you become, all of a sudden, a mechanical man. No longer a human being. It is a successful combination of both. That way it is a process of continuing growth.
Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.- Bruce Lee
*** 參考。
[2] Master Hsing Yun。https://books.masterhsingyun.org/
[3] Train Every Part of Your Body。Bruce Lee Motivational Video。success stories。
[4] Bruce Lee Philosophy。Bertamiráns F.C.。
[9] Philippa Asher。ASHTANGA NIRVRTA South India。
[11] Jadeashtangini。https://www.facebook.com/Jadeashtangini/posts/ashtanga瑜伽傳說中第六序列真的存在嗎david-swenson大師帶你了解ashtanga瑜伽序列背後的意義是什麼david-swenson他是公認的全/2299880960292875/
[12] SC YOGA 紹晴。紹晴。
1. 自我練習 MysoreMysore 練習教室:
- Chit Yoga 青堤。Jacob。
- Mysore Taipei。Daniel。
- SC YOGA 紹晴。紹晴。
2. 何謂『Mysore』?
- 週一至週五的『自我練習』。
- 導師與學生『一對一』的教學。
- Mysore Taipei。
- 除了 Daniel 老師之外。會有資深助教給予指導。
3. 何謂『口令課 Led Class』?
- 團練(Practice)。由導師統一帶領學生。
- 時間:
- 遵循傳統的週六團練。
- Mysore Taipei。Daniel。週六8點至9點50分。
- Chit Yoga 青堤。Jacob。週六9點至10點50分。
- 不限週六。
- SC YOGA 紹晴。紹晴。
- 講課(Lecture)。
- Mysore Taipei。口令課後。通常30分鐘左右。週六10點至10點半。
- 提醒:有限制人數。須提前預約。會準時關門。
- Daniel 教授傳統梵文瑜珈經。輔以靈性哲理。
- 我很愛學語言。Daniel 的發音。字正腔圓。
- 我單耳聽損。我都能分辨音節。妳你也可以。
- Chit Yoga 青堤。口令課前。通常會超過1小時。週六7點半至 9點。
- 提醒:有限制人數。須提前預約。
- Jacob 會就當週練習須加強之處。配以輔具及解剖論證。
- 極其詳盡。聽到賺到。深受以200證照的預備師資喜愛。
- 綜上:
- 想學正統阿斯。請找 Daniel。
- 想學正位瑜珈。請找 Jacob。
4. 收費區間:(以長期攤銷計)
- 大眾流行的瑜珈。一堂約莫600-1200元。
- 自我練習Mysore。一堂約莫100-220元。
- 若乖乖地一個月練好練滿。
- 何必買一大堆無用的保單。
- 身體自己的趁現在練起來。
5. 阿斯坦加 ASHTANGA 有六個序列:
- 首要序列。第1序列。Yoga Chikitsa。瑜伽理療。打開腿背大肌肉群。
- 中級。第2序列。Nadi Shodana。凈化神經。深入後彎。
- 高級序列A。第3和第4序列。Sthira Bhaga。神定入定。手臂平衡。
- 高級序列B。第5和第6序列。Sthira Bhaga。神定入定。手臂平衡。
6. 阿斯坦加 ASHTANGA 書籍、圖檔:
- 圖檔 阿斯坦加初級(第1序列)、中級(第2序列)
- (初階二級練習者。從一級接二級。)
- 圖檔 阿斯坦加初級(第1序列)、中級(第2序列)、高級AB
- 阿斯 初級(第1序列)
- 阿斯 中級(第2序列)、高級AB
- (進階二級練習者。逕從二級練習。)
- 阿斯
Daniel 老師
21年進階第二級序列。感謝 MysoreTaipei。Daniel。
24年精進第二級序列。感謝 Chit Yoga。Jacob。